Sex does not cure menstrual cramps — Gynaecologist

An Obstetric Gynaecologist with the St Dominic Hospital at Akwatia, Dr John K. Bosomtwe, has refuted claims that having sex during menstruation could cure the pain and discomfort women go through during their periods.

He however explained that during sex, the body released some “pleasure hormones” which could relieve the level of pain in that moment. “These hormones will blunt the pains you may be going through.

The pleasure from sex, can take your mind temporarily off the pain and shift the attention to the pleasure going on in the body. Some ladies claim after that, the level of pain is reduced, others say they don’t experience any form of pain but most of the conversations around menstruation are either myths or observational. So for instance what lady “A” may experience will be different from what lady “B” will experience.”

The gynaecologist said it was time parents, especially fathers, made more effort to understand menstruation and educate their daughters and female relatives about the topic.