Lifeline for Childhood Cancer: Korle Bu Facilitates Groundbreaking Treatment for Two Children

Lifeline for Childhood Cancer Ghana, in collaboration with Korle Bu Teaching Hospital, has announced a historic milestone: two children battling cancer in Ghana have been transported to St Jude Children’s Research Hospital in the USA to undergo complex surgeries and treatment for cancer. This is the first of its kind in West Africa.

The surgeries, to be performed by specialist surgeons from St Jude Children’s Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee, are fully funded by St Jude Children’s Hospital. This partnership underscores the strength of the St Jude Global Alliance, Lifeline for Childhood Cancer Ghana and Korle Bu Teaching Hospital to advance paediatric cancer care for children living with Cancer in Ghana.

The St Jude Global Alliance through its partnerships with institutions across the globe works to improve the survival rates of children with cancer and other catastrophic diseases, worldwide, through the sharing of knowledge, technology and organizational skills.

Speaking on the initiative, Ms. Akua Sarpong, Executive Director Lifeline for Childhood Cancer Ghana, expressed her elation at securing this life-changing opportunity for the two children in urgent need of treatment.

“St Jude Children’s Research Hospital is a beacon of hope for pediatric cancer patients worldwide as they cater for the most complex cancer cases around the world. Their mission aligns perfectly with ours, as we strive to ensure that children with cancer regardless of their background receive the specialized medical services and support they need to survive,” said Ms. Sarpong.

She emphasized Lifeline for Childhood Cancer Ghana’s commitment to raising funds and awareness to advance paediatric cancer care and improve survival rates for children with cancer in Ghana.

In addition, Ms. Sarpong appealed for support for the fundraising efforts of Lifeline for Childhood Cancer, which serves as the fundraising foundation partner of the Paediatric Oncology unit of Korle Bu Teaching Hospital.